

Tap into Your Intuition with Dowsing:

Discover the Hidden Powers of Dowsing and Unlock Your Full Potential


9th March Onwards (weekdays)


Rs. 3,555/-


6.30 pm to 8.30 pm

About our Dowsing course:

Welcome to the world of dowsing, a centuries-old practice for locating underground water, minerals, and other hidden objects. Dowsing is an ancient technique in which a tool, usually a pendulum or a dowsing rod used to detect the presence of water, minerals, or other objects beneath the earth's surface. This course will teach you the fundamentals of dowsing and how to use it to locate water, minerals, and other hidden objects.

Basic Course Content:

  1. What is dowsing?
  2. History of dowsing
  3. Types of dowsing tools (pendulum, dowsing rod, L-rod)
  4. How to select a dowsing tool
  5. Basic dowsing techniques
  6. How to use dowsing to find water, minerals, and other objects
  7. Dowsing for health and healing
  8. Dowsing for personal and spiritual growth
  9. Advanced dowsing techniques

What will you learn?

By the end of this course, you will learn how to:


  • Choose a dowsing tool and use it effectively
  • Locate water, minerals, and other hidden objects using dowsing
  • Use dowsing for health and healing
  • Apply dowsing to personal and spiritual growth
  • Developing a new skill that can lead to a fulfilling hobby or career
  • Master advanced dowsing techniques

Who is this course for:

This course is designed for anyone interested in learning to dowse, regardless of the level of experience. It is ideal for:


  • Individuals who are looking to develop their intuition and spiritual growth
  • Property owners who are looking to find water sources on their property
  • Geologists and miners who are looking to locate minerals and other resources
  • Anyone interested in learning a new skill that can lead to a fulfilling hobby or career
