
We Create सकारात्मक उर्जा Around You

  • Dive in the light of energy. Use your power to believe, create, trust, grow, glow, manifest, and heal.
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About Us

The Soham Holistic Center is a powerful reflection that allows your thoughts to focus on the mystery of existence and interdependence. The universe and I are intertwined and interconnected, existing in each other.

We think about reflections on the wisdom from the planets

We at Soham Holistic Center focus on the Shakti of the soul. Grow spiritually and connect with your inner consciousness. This connection will bring peace, inner calm, and spiritual growth. We will help you bring awareness to the connection between the individual self and the divine self, promoting unity and oneness with all that exists. Soham's holistic approach is trusted to help quiet the mind, increase focus and concentration, and bring a sense of inner peace and well-being.

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Our Services

We offer an array of services that delve into the mysteries of astrology, providing you with insightful and personalized horoscopes.

Vastu Shastra

Vastu secrets for a prosperous life in modern times.

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Tarot Reading

Choose a deck that speaks to you intuitively.

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Release the energy that will lead to greater happiness, health, and psychological well-being.

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The energy is harnessed and channeled for healing and balance in the body, mind, and spirit.

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Gain a deeper understanding of your own personality traits, strengths, and weaknesses.

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Seek insight into your relationship, career, or life path and understand the connection between the self, the world, and the universe.

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We offer a unique and personalized approach to self-discovery through the science of Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT).

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Crystal healing

Get a holistic approach to wellness and self-care through the energy and power of crystal healing.

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Uncover personality traits, emotions, and cognitive processes based on how you write.

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Pranic Healing

Pranic Healing

Experience significant balance and harmony to alleviate pain, heal physical injuries, and release emotional and psychological blockages.

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Why Choose Us


We believe in a unique approach to healing physical and spiritual growth through the ancient wisdom of astrology.
Our expert team is deeply committed to preserving centuries-old heritage and the legacy of astrology.


This ancient practice, we believe, holds the key to realizing our full potential and achieving greater physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
We understand that physical health, emotional well-being, and spiritual fulfillment are interconnected.


Gain valuable insights into the cycles and patterns of our lives, and use this knowledge to make positive changes.


Cumulative Experience


trusted by customers


Areas of services


Range of products


Provided Personalised solutions

Our Experts


Our team of experts is committed to helping your spiritual, emotional, and physical growth using the ancient knowledge of astrology.


Whether you are dealing with physical pain, emotional turmoil, or simply seeking a great sense of purpose, we are here to help.


Our compassionate and skilled experts will work with you to create a p personalized plan that meets your unique needs and goals.

Popular Products


The carefully handpicked products, with more than 10,000 live items at your fingertips, high-quality images, and expert recommendations, find your personalized astrological chart, a one-of-a-kind piece of jewelry, or a spirituality book, for a unique and customized shopping experience you won't find anywhere else.
